Wednesday, November 4, 2015

31 Days of Thankfulness Round-Up

I thought that it might be nice to do a round-up of sorts for the 31 days of Thankfulness posts I have done over the past month.  That way if you want to read or share them, they are all in one spot.  Posting daily has been so nice this past month, it has also helped me to focus in on having a thankful heart instead of being annoyed when things aren't going my way.  When I start to feel frustrated or worried, I instead think of all of the good in my life that I am thankful to have.  So, anyway, here are the things that I felt thankful for in October...

Days #1-5: Joe (my husband), Howard (my son), my Home, Full Pantries and Freezers, and my Extended Family
Day #6: Ramen Noodles
Day #7: My Ability to Serve Others
Day #8: Time Spent Alone with my Son
Day #9: Yard Sales
Day #10: Free Standing Dollar Tree
Day #11: Time Spent together as a Family of 3
Day #12: Job that I Love
Day #13: My Ability to Craft
Day #14-17: Coupons, Joe's Grandfather, Cleaning, and Humidifiers
Day #18: Sisters
Day #19: Thrift Stores
Day #20: My Ability to Listen
Day #21: Washers and Dryers
Day #22: Auctions
Day #23: Good Doctors
Day #24: Tiny Closets
Day #25: Local ALDI
Day #26: Crock-pots
Day #27: Indoor Plumbing
Day #28: Days off from Work
Day #29: Water Pitchers with Filters
Day #30: Pistachios
Day #31: Blogs

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