This was done in 3 transactions, but for the sake of time & space, I'll list them all together:
2 Herbal Essence Shampoos $2.99 ea - $1.00/1 MC x 2 - $2.00 RR x 2 = 2 FREE + $0.02 MM
2 Den-tek Floss picks $$2.79 ea - $1.00/1 MC x 2 - $2.00 RR x 2 = $2 FREE + $0.42 MM
(these didn't want to print a RR, so Michelle took $2.00 off one transaction to make up for the one that didn't print, and made the second one $0.79 before my coupon -- so in the end it still worked out as planned)
2 Fresh Effects Chap-Sticks $2.99 ea - $3.00 RR x 2 = 2 FREE + $0.02 MM
2 Halls Refresh Cough Drops $1.00 ea - $0.75/1 MC x 2 - $1.00 RR x 2 = 2 FREE + $1.50 MM
2 Robitussin DM 2 ct To-Go's $2.99 ea - $3.00 RR x 2 = 2 FREE + $0.02 MM
+ Tax $0.94
Total OOP: $9.46 - $18.00 in RR's received = ALL FREE + $8.54 MONEY MAKER!
**FYI - All of these deals with the exception of the Herbal Essence Products are good until 10/31, or until your coupons run out, which ever comes first ;-)