Monday, December 12, 2016

Goals Update: November 2016

I'm sorry this is so late getting up, I'm behind on a lot.  I'm on the tail end of two weeks working straight through, and to top it all off, I'm sick - Yay!  But anyway, here we go...

November was a very busy month.  Work was swamped, and things at home were just as crazy.  But we had a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch with both our families (14 in all), I got some AWESOME Black Friday deals, my Christmas shopping is almost done, as is my decorating.  All that's left to do in December is my cookie baking, and we will be good to go!  I crossed a couple of goals off my list since I know what the December schedule looks like, and I'm considering them 'good enough.'  Since they're my goals, I think that's alright. 
So, here's how things are going so far for the year...

  • Lose 20 lbs (about 1.5 lbs a month) I have lost 15 pounds! Only 5 more to go...
  • Exercise 292 days - In November I exercised 27 out of 30 days.  For a total of 279 for the year.  I'm right on track with this goal! 
  • Drink at least 70 oz of water everyday - I did fairly well with this in November.  We've had some cold days, and instead of my hot tea, I've been having some hot lemon water, which still counts towards my goal, at least in my book.
  • Coupon and deal shop to stick to my $350/month budget - I shared my budget update for November here.  If you click over, you can see all of the great things I was able to stock-up on while squeaking just under budget!  This included diapers, hand soap, canned soup, produce, and a variety of other items.
  • Earn at least 6 - $25 Amazon gift card through Swagbucks - I earned my 5th gift card in November!!  Only 1 more to go for this year to meet my goal!  5 Down, and 1 to go.
  • List at least 10 things per month online or 120 for the year - I did not list anything in November.  I am pretty sure I am not going to make this goal for this year, but we'll see.  January - Check (23), February - no check (0), March - Check (43), April - no check (1), May -no check (0), June - no check (0), July - no check (0), August - no check (0), September - no check (0), October - no check (0), November - no check (0)
  • Set up at 6 Flea Markets/Shows to sell our wares - We ended up not setting up in November at our last flea market because of car troubles.  I'm okay with that, and I'm crossing this off the list for the year; 5 is still pretty good in my book!  Total for the year =5
  • Completely declutter the entire house - Finished in September.
  • Finish my 2016 project list - I have my project list update posted separately. I have decided to go ahead and cross this off the list as well.  There are still a few projects left, but there is NO way that they are going to get accomplished with all the crazy that we have going on this month.  I will pick the list back up in January when I have more time to work through them.  I am still SUPER pleased with what I was able to accomplish this year!  I just amazes me how things get done when you actually take time to do them 😉  I will do a post in December showing the before and after pictures, so keep an eye out for that. 

  • Post at least 3 times a week - I was able to post 3 times a week in November.  All totaled I posted 13 times, just enough to reach my goal.  I need to up my game in December!
  • Do a 31 day series in October  - Finished in October.
  • Set up a Facebook page for my blog - Not yet, I am hoping to get this done in December.
How is everyone else doing with their goals?
Anything new or different you are trying this year?
Share some of your goals in the comments...

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