Friday, March 29, 2013

Frugal Finds Friday: Homemade Foaming Dish Soap

Since I am the only 'dishwasher' we have, I use dish soap at least three times a day.  That can be expensive, even with coupons.  I have been making my own foaming hand soap for sometime, so I decided to give dish soap a try.  I had my mom save one of her foaming dish soap pumps for me awhile ago.  I just put a squirt (about 1 tbsp) of soap in the bottom (right now I'm using up all the Dawn I have), and fill the container up to the fill-line with water.  Gently shake/swish to combine, and start pumping!  Now that I am buying natural dish soap varieties (like 7th Generation and Method), this really saves money!

Linked to Homemade Mondays
Linked to Works for Me Wednesday!

What are your frugal finds for this week?


  1. What a great idea! I don't use foaming dish soap because I find the dishes are easier to wash when they've been soaking in soapy water. But I love refilling my hand soap foamers--I spend so little money on soap now.

    P.S. I came here from Works-for-Me Wednesday; I think you forgot to link back?

    1. Totally forgot to link back - whoops! I have to agree with soapy water soaking, especially pans with baked on gunk. However, since it's just my husband and me, the foaming soap is nice for, say, our breakfast dishes, when there are like 5 things to wash. Thanks for visiting!
