Monday, August 29, 2016

Budget Update: August 2016

August was a jam-packed month - one 'working vacation,' one beach vacation, an event at the museum, and a whole LOT of work in between.  We were able to make enough at our working vacation to have some fun on our beach vacation the end of the month.  Our vacations are always on a cash budget - no credit cards, which makes things so much less stressful.  We also enjoyed quite a few free activities while we were there, including a day at the zoo, and an antique car show.  We spent quite a bit of time at the pool/splash pad at the camp ground, and enjoyed our evening walks there or on the boardwalk.  Howard had a blast, but would only nap in the car for some reason.  So, Joe and I did a lot of cruising in the suburban while Howard slept, however, we were able to see a lot of the outlying areas around OC that we haven't seen before, so that was fun!  Below is how the budget played out for August; it was a higher spending month, but it usually is when vacations are involved...
  • Week #1: $19.71, Earned $12 ECB's
  • Week #4: $112.75 oop, Earned $5 ECB's
Total OOP: $355.49
Total Earned: $36.94
Total Remaining from August: $37.99!
*Use this link to sign up for Ibotta and get a $10 bonus!

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