Here are the deals I scored this week!
- Sunday's CVS Trip: $5.11 oop, Earned $8 ECB's
- Sunday's ALDI Trip: $9.77 oop
- Sunday's Wal-mart Trip: $8 oop (Used a Gift Card towards the balance)
- Sunday's Office Depot Trip (1 box Ink): $5.29 oop
- Sunday's Giant Trip: $22.52 oop
- Monday's ALDI Trip (6 lbs Potatoes, 2 tubs Shredded Parmesan Cheese): $9.16 oop
- Wednesday's BJ's Trip (Eggo's, PB, Crystal Light, and Chips): $36.44 oop
- Friday's Big Lots Trip (4 bags Organic Pasta, 1 pkg Cookies, 2 bags Snacks): $10.85 oop
- Friday's Big Lots Trip #2 (1 shower curtain liner): $10.07 oop
- Saturday's Giant Trip (2 pints Gelato, 2 newspapers): $9.22 oop