Thursday, December 22, 2016

Weekly Spending Report: 12/11-17/2016

This week was another crazy one at work, but at least it ended with some cookie baking!  I think I am finally ready for Christmas - cookies baked, presents bought and wrapped, tree up and decorations hung!  I'm hoping to round out tonight with some White Christmas and popcorn, but we'll see.  
Below is my spending break-down for this week, it's a little higher than I like, but it includes pretty much all of my cookie ingredients, and I make a L-O-T of cookies every year...
  • Tuesday's ALDI Trip: $86.90 oop (included, but not pictured are 8 gallons of H2O), Earned $0.10 Mobisave Rebate (Plates)
  • Saturday's Baugher's Trip: $6.95 oop (no picture, just a basket of oranges)
Total OOP: $93.85
Total Earned: $0.10
Total Remaining: $176.88