Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June Goals Update

June was a crazy month.  I feel like all I did was work, except for the 8 day vacation we took to Maine.  And, while I LOVE vacations, don't get me wrong, they are great, however, they also come with a boat-load of work before and after.  I spent my days prior to leaving working and my evenings packing suitcases, washing laundry, and prepping the car.  So, that vacation was well deserved, and enjoyed, until the last day or two when I realized I would have to go home and unpack everything, and wash a ton of laundry, and get back to the real world, all while going back to work the next day.  Sometimes, life can be a little sucky, just sayin'.  Surprisingly things for June goal-wise actually went pretty well though, as you can see below...
  1. De-clutter the whole house in January, February, and March -- Done!
  2. Do a Deep-Spring, and Deep-Fall Clean in March and November  As well as keep up with my weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly cleaning chores. -- I managed to stay caught up on all of my cleaning tasks, as well as the laundry!
  3. Paint the Windows/Sills/Trim in the Kitchen and Nursery. -- Still hasn't happen yet.  Unless we get a cool day in July, it probably won't happen until Fall, when I can open the windows and not cook from the heat.
  1. Write a 'love letter' to Joe each month -- Done!  Joe and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on the 16th, which of course including some lovey-dovey cards.
  2. Take a trip to Maine in June with the hubby, and Howard. -- We were very blessed to take an 8 day trip to Maine this month.  Friends of ours have been after us for a few years now to come and stay in their cabin with them for a week or so in Maine.  We were going to go last year, but the 14 hour drive just didn't seem feasible with a newborn.  So, this was the year.  We had an AMAZING time, ate lots of yummy food, saw some great sights, and had a blast spending time with our friends!  Howard loved any chowder that we gave him, and loved crawling all around in the nice green grass.  They want us to come visit again, and we definitely will, but I think I want to wait until Howard is a little older and can appreciate all the 'exploring' activities Maine has to offer, like mud flats.  Here are some pictures from our trip...

  3. Take a Trip to Ocean City in August -- N/A
  4. Get together with family at least once a month -- We got together with Joe's family for lunch to celebrate his birthday before we left for Maine, but we didn't manage to get together with mine, maybe next month. 
  5. Plan and Execute Howard's 1st Birthday Party -- Done!
  1. Have 2 Freezer/Pantry Challenges (January and July), post updates on the blog, and defrost the chest freezer -- N/A
  2. Post my Menu Plan, and Weekly Spending Report every week, along with at least 1 other post per week.  This may be an update, a reveal, a recipe, a shopping trip, some Aldi Deals, or a frugal find. -- This month I did a great job with posting my Weekly Spending Reports, and my Menu Plans every week. I also posted a Frugal Finds post here.
  3. Plan and execute a 31 days post for October. -- N/A
  1. Lose at least 20 lbs -- So far I have regained everything I lost last year, and lost 12 of it again.  I am still working hard on this.  I am hoping I can make some more progress in July.
  2. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and do exercise of some kind everyday. -- I did this every day in June.  I am glad to see that my hard work is finally starting to pay off.  I do feel better, but the weight is just being stubborn!
  1. Do at least 5 Flea Markets throughout the year, and list at least bi-monthly on Amazon/Facebook Yard Sale. -- 2 Flea Market done to date.  I did not list anything in June, but I am hoping to get 10 things listed in July.
  2. Earn Swagbucks everyday by completing the daily poll, toolbar log-in, and NOSO offers daily.  (Try to earn $10 a month) -- I'm up to 1,776 swagbucks, only 424 more and I can cash in for the $25 Amazon reward! Hopefully July will be the month!
  3. Set a monthly budget, and coupon and deal shop as needed to stay within our budget. --I did a pretty good job again in June with our budget; we came in about $9 under budget for the month!  I also was able to get some great deals on diapers, skin care items, and food, including some fresh produce.  I posted my monthly budget update here.
  4. Put at least an extra $100 a month on Joe's Credit Card starting in May -- I did not do this in June because I wanted to take that extra $100 with us to Maine.  I plan to get back on track with this in July.
  1. Scan the huge-a** box of photos we have had since my mom died two and a half years ago, and get them sorted to give to people, as well as put the ones I decide to keep in albums. -- I'm not even planning to work in this until later in the year, July maybe, or possibly not until Fall, we'll see.
  2. Continue to work on Howard's baby book 
  3. Try something new at least once a month and blog about it.  I have a LOT of new recipes and crafts I want to try -- Did not happen again -- I am seriously considering putting this off until next year, but, we'll see.
How was your June?

Linked to Money Saving Mom!

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