October was a very full month - we sat up at a steam show, took a day-long yardsaling trip, I served 2 teas at work, and started Christmas preparations as well. This month I have really been pushing myself to cross things off my weekly to-do list, and I've managed to make a lot of progress at work and home. My biggest challenge is leaving work at work, which when you live where you work, is hard. There are some goals that I have come to realize are not going to get done until I am off from work in the winter, they are marked in blue, and will be carried over to next year's goals list. Here's how the goal area has played out so far this year...
De-clutter the whole house in January, February, and March-- Done!- Do a
Deep-Spring, andDeep-Fall Clean inMarch andNovember As well as keep up with my weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly cleaning chores. -- I managed to stay caught up on all of my cleaning tasks, as well as the laundry! - Paint the Windows/Sills/Trim in the Kitchen and Nursery.
- Write a 'love letter' to Joe each month - This month I wrote Joe an email letter, he really seemed to like it. I think it helps him to realize that I do appreciate him even if I don't say it often enough.
Take a trip to Maine in June with the hubby, and Howard.Take a Trip to Ocean City in August- Get together with family at least once a month -- My sister, and her husband, and my niece and niece-in-law came down and spent the day with us at the Fall Harvest Festival we have here at the museum. It was a lovely day spent together with family. We also got to spend some time with Joe's family one evening when we were visiting his grandfather. I love it when this gets crossed off each month, because it means that we have spent time with the ones we love, and yet have to work to see. :-)
Plan and Execute Howard's 1st Birthday Party
Have 2 Freezer/Pantry Challenges (January and July), post updates on the blog, and defrost the chest freezer- Post my Menu Plan, and Weekly Spending Report every week, along with at least 1 other post per week. This may be an update, a reveal, a recipe, a shopping trip, some Aldi Deals, or a frugal find. -- In October I did manage to post several meal plans, as well as my Weekly Spending Reports. With the 31 days posts, I really didn't post much else, and I am fine with that. I did post a frugal finds post here. I have a few things up my sleeve for November, so hopefully time will continue to be on my side, and I can share them with all of you!
Plan and execute a 31 days post for October. -- Done! I posted for 31 days straight! My 31 days posts were about the things that I am thankful for. I did a summary here, if you'd like to see an overview.
- Lose at least 20 lbs -- I have not gain any of the 20 lbs I re-lost back, so I am happy with this, and I will keep on keepin' on so to speak.
- Drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and do exercise of some kind everyday. -- This is something that I have been able to check off each month. I have also been doing more walking with Howard, so that is definitely exercise in my book!
Do at least 5 Flea Markets throughout the year, andlist at least bi-monthly on Amazon/Facebook Yard Sale. -- We sat up at out last flea market for the year in October. We also took a HUGE load of stuff to an Auction. Basically we cleaned out a bunch of crap that has been out several times and hasn't sold, as well as some things I've been wanting to get rid of from the house. That brings us to 5 total for the year! I also finally managed to get some books listed on Amazon! I have a couple more boxes to do this coming month, as well as a few things to post on a Facebook selling page.- Earn Swagbucks everyday by completing the daily poll, toolbar log-in, and NOSO offers daily. (Try to earn $10 a month) -- I 've earned enough this month for a $5 gift card, but I am going to hold onto it and save up for another $25 card I think. I am hoping it doesn't take me forever like the last one did.
- Set a monthly budget, and coupon and deal shop as needed to stay within our budget. -- I was able to stay under budget again for October; I posted my budget update here. We stocked up on quite a few items including toilet paper and body wash. We also did a little yard sale shopping, which I shared here.
- Put at least an extra $100 a month on Joe's Credit Card starting in May -- We put a little over $100 towards the credit card this month. I am happy that we are plugging away on this and I really would like for it to be gone next year, but I know that realistically it will probably take two years to finish paying it off. Every little bit extra helps though!
- Scan the huge-a** box of photos we have had since my mom died two and a half years ago, and get them sorted to give to people, as well as put the ones I decide to keep in albums.
Continue to work on Howard's baby book- Try something new at least once a month and blog about it. I have a LOT of new recipes and crafts I want to try -- With the 31 days posts this month, and the fact that I worked a lot of extra hours as well, I just didn't have time to try anything new. I have been tinkering with a few recipes that I am going to try to blog about over the next month, as they will become part of my new 14-day menu plan.
How have your goals gone so far this year?
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